FUTURE SALES | Everything you need to know about LinkedIn algorithm 2020

LinkedIn algorithm for ranking is constantly evolving. We recently received a report from Richard van der Blom and Andy Foote and subjected it to an internal analysis. Below you will find some tips under which we would sign, and a sample of our contributions related to them. Thanks to the report, you can find out what the algorithm says is “in” right now.

Původní report vznikl analýzou více než 4 500 postů.


If you don’t use hashtags in posts, you lose additional reach and potential. Hashtags help the algorithm to classify your content into individual thematic areas and offer them to the right readers.

  • Popular hashtags (100,000+ followers) have a positive effect on reach
  • It doesn’t matter where you place the hashtags in the text.
  • Use common names and ideally in English, they have much higher ratings than Czech expressions.
  • Making up your own hashtags doesn’t mean much in terms of range. The new expressions are not followed.


We have already talked about “dwell-time” or time spent on the post on our blog. LinkedIn decided to monitor and analyze how long you spend with a given post after clicking. Simply put, the content that captures and keeps users’ attention for as long as possible wins. Not so long ago, this information got involved in the algorithm, but here are some early observations:

  • Dwell-time loves posts with documents and gives them 40-60% more reach.
  • Dwell-time video also works well, gaining 20-40% more reach. Tip: If possible, then upload the video as a file directly to LinkedIn and do not use an intermediary (YouTube, Vimeo). These are social networks and the external URL in the post will take away your positive points.
  • On the other hand, dwell-time does not like short text posts, it gives them 20% less reach.

 Tags @ 

Tagging (@) is a science. It must not be exaggerated, and if the users or companies you label do not respond to the tags, do not tag them again. Great content doesn’t improve tags.

  • At least 50% of the marked persons must respond to the contribution. If there are less than 25% responses, the algorithm evaluates the tags as spam and your post has a 20-30% lower reach.
  • Tags do not automatically increase the visibility of your content.
  • It’s great to tag people or brands you know will respond.

Links (external URL)

Clickable links are becoming more frequent on the LinkedIn profile. A great example is a Featured section, where you can access the media you are referring to with just one click.

  • Adding a link to the first comment is not recommended. 
  • A post with 2 links has 25% lower impressions.
  • A post with three or more links has 40% lower impressions.
  • On average, posts with an external link have a lower reach than native posts. No social network likes it when you take users away.
  • the quality of the source you are referring to also affects

LIKE (Reaction)

  • If you receive a response within two hours of posting, the algorithm will begin monitoring your content. 
  • Reactions have only a 50% effect compared to the comments.
  • All responses have the same impact, except for “Support,” which produces 10% more impressions. 
  • Responding to a comment on your post within 24 hours of publication maximizes the positive effect on the reach of the post.


  • Comments get twice as many impressions as like and eight times as many impressions as redirects. 
  • The author’s reactions to the comments are still important, but not as much as in 2019.


The reordering algorithm is not very supportive, but that may change. Don’t be afraid to share posts, it’s always positive for the author.

  • Redirection has 10-15% less reach than commentary. 
  • A better way is to copy the content of the post and create a new post, marking the author of the original post.


  • Dwell-time now supports video with a higher number of views by 20-40%.
  • The ideal video length is 30-60 seconds. With a longer video, the range drops significantly (with a length of more than 10 minutes, even by 90%). 
  • The ideal format is square video. 
  • Don’t forget the headlines, 50% of videos are watched with the sound off.


The format of the post is quite important. You can present yourself in many ways, but not all of them will bring you the reach you would like.

  • Text or text and the picture has a +25-40% reach. 
  • Text plus document has 40-60% more reach. 
  • Polls have a 10-30% lower reach than contributions.
  • YouTube videos have a 30-55% lower reach. 
  • External links in the text of the post have a 10-30% lower reach.